
Wednesday, 18 November 2015

Ambition, with a Taste of Honey.


Rehearsing The Knocking Shop's alt-city™kitchen sink classic Ambition inspired me to make a video with added TASTE OF HONEY.

By the way, any London readers would be more than welcome at our long awaited comeback gig!

Anyone who comments can have their name put in a draw to be on the guest list. Just include 'guest list" at the end of your comment.  If you are the only commenter you'll be in with a very good chance of winning! I'll consider the end of the year as the closing date.

More details here - http://www.corsicastudios.com/whats-on/january-2016/wild-roscoe-record-collector-pres/


  1. Sounding good, Seamus. The vocals remind me a little of Nick Cave... :)

    1. Thanks Jacqui. Others have mentioned that Nick may have been influenced by me (:

  2. Good stuff Seamus.

  3. Great video clip, Seamus. Great song. What movie is that from? I'm curious about the kid with Down syndrome in it. Hope your gig in London goes great. Hope you guys tour the States and come to California some day. I'll buy you all a pint, okay?

    1. Hi Enrique - sorry, thought I'd answered this. The film is A Taste of Honey, an early sixties British 'kitchen sink' drama. Well worth chasing down - it's on youtube..
