Books in Red have been Read
Books in Green are in my possession, unread.
There are links to reviews on this blog where reviews exist.
Beryl Bainbridge
In preparation for participating in a Beryl Bainbridge Reading Week hosted at Gaskella I thought I would list her works. After reading three in the last few years she is certainly an author I intend to read far more of.
Today (10th May 2012) I found a nicely disreputable copy of Harriet Said... which I will be reading for the BB Reading Week. I hope to find a couple more, disreputable or not.
A Weekend with Claude (1967)
Another Part of the Wood (1968)
Harriet Said... (1972)
The Dressmaker (1973) – Shortlisted for Booker Prize
The Bottle Factory Outing (1974) – Shortlisted for Booker Prize, won the Guardian Fiction Prize
Sweet William (1975)
A Quiet Life (1976)
Injury Time (1977)
Young Adolf (1978)
Another Part of the Wood (revised edn) (1979)
Winter Garden (1980)
A Weekend with Claude (revised edn) (1981)
Watson's Apology (1984)
Filthy Lucre (written as a teenager in 1946 but published 1986)
An Awfully Big Adventure (1989) – Shortlisted for Booker Prize
The Birthday Boys (1991)
Every Man for Himself (1996) – Shortlisted for Booker Prize
Master Georgie (1998) – Shortlisted for Booker Prize
According to Queeney (2001)
The Girl in the Polka-dot Dress (2011)
Short story collections
Mum and Mr Armitage (1985)
Collected Stories (1994)
Northern Stories Vol. 5 with David Pownall (1994)
English Journey, or The Road to Milton Keynes (1984)
Forever England: North and South (1987)
Something Happened Yesterday (1993)
Front Row: Evenings at the Theatre (2005)
Harry Crews - June 7, 1935 - March 28, 2012
His recent death has spurred me to try and find more of his books and to read those I have. Some of these are very pricey - reissue them someone, please!
Novels and Memoir
The Gospel Singer (1968)
Naked in Garden Hills (1969)
This Thing Don't Lead to Heaven (1970)
Karate is a Thing of the Spirit (1971)
Car (1972)
The Hawk is Dying (1973)
The Gypsy's Curse (1974) - in Classic Crews
A Feast of Snakes (1976)
Childhood - a Memoir (1978) - in Classic Crews
The Enthusiast (1981) - (Basically 1st chapter of All We Need is Hell, apparently.)
All We Need of Hell (1987)
The Knockout Artist (1988)
Body (1990)
Scar Lover (1992)
The Mulching of America (1995)
The Gospel Singer (reprint) & Where Does One Go When There's No Place Left to Go? (1995)
Celebration (1998)
An American Family: The Baby with the Curious Markings (2006)
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Novels and Novellas
A Standard of Behaviour (Hutchinson, 1958)
The Old Boys (Bodley Head, 1964)
The Boarding House (Bodley Head, 1965)
The Love Department (Bodley Head, 1966)
Mrs Eckdorf in O'Neill's Hotel (Bodley Head, 1969)
Miss Gomez and the Brethren (Bodley Head, 1971)
Elizabeth Alone (Bodley Head, 1973)
The Children of Dynmouth (Bodley Head, 1976)
The Distant Past (Poolbeg Press, 1979)
Other People's Worlds (Bodley Head, 1980)
Fools of Fortune (Bodley Head, 1983)
Nights at the Alexandra (Hutchinson, 1987)
The Silence in the Garden (Bodley Head, 1988)
Two Lives (Viking Press, 1991)
Felicia's Journey (Viking, 1994)
Death in Summer (Viking, 1998)
The Story of Lucy Gault (Viking, 2002)
Love and Summer (Viking, 2009)
Short Story Collections
The Day We Got Drunk on Cake and Other Stories (Bodley Head, 1967)
The Ballroom of Romance and Other Stories (Bodley Head, 1972)
Angels at the Ritz and Other Stories (Bodley Head, 1975)
Lovers of their Time (Bodley Head, 1978)
Beyond the Pale (Bodley Head, 1981)
The Stories of William Trevor (Penguin, 1983)
The News from Ireland and Other Stories (Bodley Head, 1986)
Family Sins and Other Stories (Bodley Head, 1989)
Outside Ireland: Selected Stories (Viking, 1992)
The Collected Stories (Penguin, 1993, 2003)
After Rain (Viking, 1996)
Cocktails an Doney's (Bloomsbury Classics, 1996)[12]
The Hill Bachelors (Viking, 2000)
A Bit On the Side (Viking, 2004)
Cheating At Canasta (Viking, 2007)
Bodily Secrets (Penguin Great Loves, 2007; new selection of several stories from earlier collections)
Collected Stories, Volumes I & II, (Penguin, 2009) ISBN 9780670918331 & 9780670918416
The Old Boys (Davis-Poynter, 1971)
A Night with Mrs da Tanka (Samuel French, 1972)
Going Home (Samuel French, 1972)
Marriages (Samuel French, 1973)
Scenes from an Album (Co-Op Books (Dublin), 1981)
Children's Books
Juliet's Story (Bodley Head, 1992)
A Writer's Ireland: Landscape in Literature (Thames & Hudson, 1984)
Excursions in the Real World: Memoirs (Hutchinson, 1993)
As editor
The Oxford Book of Irish Short Stories (Oxford University Press, 1989)
Muriel Spark
One of my favorite novelists and I have so many books to track down. I look forward to it. I took part in a Reading Week in April 2012.
The Comforters (1957)
Robinson (1958)
Memento Mori (1959)
The Ballad of Peckham Rye (1960)
The Bachelors (1960)
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1961)
The Girls of Slender Means (1963)
The Mandelbaum Gate (1965)
The Public Image (1968) - Shortlisted for Booker Prize
The Driver's Seat (1970)
Not to Disturb (1971)
The Hothouse by the East River (1973)
The Abbess of Crewe (1974)
The Takeover (1976)
Territorial Rights (1979)
Loitering with Intent (1981) - Shortlisted for Booker Prize
The Only Problem (1984)
A Far Cry From Kensington (1988)
Symposium (1990)
Reality and Dreams (1996)
Aiding and Abetting (2000)
The Finishing School (2004)
Other works
Tribute to Wordsworth (edited with Derek Stanford) (1950)
Child of Light (a study of Mary Shelley) (1951)
The Fanfarlo and Other Verse (1952)
Selected Poems of Emily Brontë (1952)
John Masefield (biography) (1953)
Emily Brontë: Her Life and Work (with Derek Stanford) (1953)
My Best Mary (a selection of letters of Mary Shelley, edited with Derek Stanford) (1953)
The Brontë letters (1954)
Letters of John Henry Newman (edited with Derek Stanford) (1957)
The Go-away Bird (short stories) (1958)
Voices at Play (short stories and plays) (1961)
Doctors of Philosophy (play) (1963)
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I've read all of his work but before I started blogging. I intend rereading and blogging about the individual books - Perhaps my favourite writer.
The Recognitions (1955)
J R (1975)
Carpenter's Gothic (1985)
A Frolic of His Own (1994)
Agapē Agape (completed 1998, published 2002)
The Rush for Second Place (collection, published 2002)
Heinrich Böll
(1949) The Train Was on Time
(1950) Stranger, Bear Word to the Spartans We…
(1951) Black Sheep
(1951) Christmas Not Just Once a Year
(1951) And where were you, Adam?
(1952) The Balek Scales
(1953) And Never Said a Word
(1954) House without Guardians
(1955) The Bread of Those Early Years
(1957) Irish Journal
(1957) Missing Persons
(1958) Murke's Collected Silences (1963)
(1959) Billiards at Half-past Nine
(1962) Ein Schluck Erde
(1963) The Clown
(1963) Anecdote to the Lowering of Productivity
(1964) Absent Without Leave
(1966) End of a Mission
(1971) Group Portrait with Lady
(1974) The Lost Honour of Katharina Blum
(1979) You go to Heidelberg too often (18 short stories)
(1979) The Safety Net
(1981) What's to Become of the Boy? (autobiography about Böll's school years 1933–1937)
(1982) Vermintes Gelände
(1982) A Soldier's Legacy (written 1948)
(1983) The Casualty (11 unpublished stories from 1947–1952) Posthumous
(1985) Women in a River Landscape (posthumous)
(1986) The Stories of Heinrich Böll (U.S. release)
(1992) The Silent Angel (written 1949/50)
(1995) Der blasse Hund (unpublished stories from 1937 & 1946–1952)
(2002) Kreuz ohne Liebe (written 1946–1947)
(2004) Am Rande der Kirche (written 1938)
Kenzaburō Ōe
This is a list of books available in english from Wikipedia. I'll work from it and if I find more I'll add them.
1958 – Nip the Buds, Shoot the Kids (trans. by Paul Mackintosh & Maki Sugiyama)
1961– Seventeen (Trans. by Luk Van Haute)
1963 Sexual Humans, published as J (Trans. by Luk Van Haute)
1964 – A Personal Matter (trans. by John Nathan)
1965 – Hiroshima Notes (trans. by David L. Swain, Toshi Yonezawa)
1967 – The Silent Cry (trans. by John Bester)
1969 – Teach Us to Outgrow Our Madness (1977)
1972 – The Day He Himself Shall Wipe My Tears Away in Teach Us to Outgrow Our Madness (1977)
1976 – The Pinch Runner Memorandum (trans. by Michiko N. Wilson)
1983 – Rouse Up O Young Men of the New Age! (trans. by John Nathan)
1989 – An Echo of Heaven (trans. by Margaret Mitsutani)
1990 – A Quiet Life (trans. by Kunioki Yanagishita & William Wetherall)
1995 – A Healing Family (trans. by Stephen Snyder, ill. by Yukari Oe)
1999 – Somersault (trans. by Philip Gabriel)
2000 – The Changeling (trans. by Deborah Boehm)
Vladimir Nabokov
This is a comprehensive list from Wikipedia but my main target is to read more of the novels and also Speak, Memory which has been strongly recommended.
Novels and novellas written in Russian
(1926) Mashen'ka (Машенька); English translation: Mary (1970)
(1928) Korol' Dama Valet (Король, дама, валет); English translation: King, Queen, Knave (1968)
(1930) Zashchita Luzhina (Защита Лужина); English translation: The Luzhin Defense or The Defense (1964) (also adapted to film, The Luzhin Defence, in 2000)
(1930) The Eye (Соглядатай (The Eye)), novella; first publication as a book 1938; English translation: The Eye (1965)
(1932) Podvig (Подвиг (Deed)); English translation: Glory (1971)
(1933) Kamera Obskura (Камера Обскура); English translations: Camera Obscura (1936), Laughter in the Dark (1938)
(1934) Otchayanie (Отчаяние); English translation: Despair (1937, 1965)
(1936) Priglasheniye na kazn' (Приглашение на казнь (Invitation to an execution)); English translation: Invitation to a Beheading (1959)
(1938) Dar (Дар); English translation: The Gift (1963)
(Unpublished novella, written in 1939) Volshebnik (Волшебник); English translation: The Enchanter (1985)
Novels written in English
(1941) The Real Life of Sebastian Knight
(1947) Bend Sinister
(1955) Lolita, self-translated into Russian, (1965)
(1957) Pnin
(1962) Pale Fire
(1969) Ada or Ardor: A Family Chronicle
(1972) Transparent Things
(1974) Look at the Harlequins!
(2009) The Original of Laura (Fragmentary, written during mid-1970s and published posthumously)[1]
Short story collections
(1930) Vozvrashchenie Chorba ("The Return of Chorb"). Fifteen short stories and twenty-four poems, in Russian, by "V. Sirin".
(1938) Sogliadatai ("The Eye"). Thirteen short stories, in Russian, by "V. Sirin".
(1947) Nine Stories
(1956) Vesna v Fial'te i drugie rasskazy ("Spring in Fialta and other stories")
(1958) Nabokov's Dozen: A Collection of Thirteen Stories (Also reprinted as Spring in Fialta and First Love and Other Stories.)
(1966) Nabokov's Quartet
(1968) Nabokov's Congeries; reprinted as The Portable Nabokov (1971)
(1973) A Russian Beauty and Other Stories
(1975) Tyrants Destroyed and Other Stories
(1976) Details of a Sunset and Other Stories
(1995) The Stories of Vladimir Nabokov (alternative title The Collected Stories) -- complete collection of all short stories
Uncollected short stories
(1948) "Colette". The New Yorker, July 31, 1948
(2005) "The Word". The New Yorker, December 6, 2005 [2]
(2008) "Natasha". The New Yorker, June 9 & 16, 2008[3]
(1938) Izobretenie Val'sa (The Waltz Invention); English translation The Waltz Invention: A Play in Three Acts (1966)
The Tragedy of Mister Morn (2012): English translation of a Russian-language play written 1923–24, publicly read 1924, published in a journal 1997, independently published 2008
(1974) Lolita: A Screenplay (Despite the credits given in the earlier film version, this was not used.)
(1984) The Man from the USSR and Other Plays
(1916) Stikhi ("Poems"). Sixty-eight poems in Russian.
(1918) Al'manakh: Dva Puti (An Almanac: Two Paths"). Twelve poems by Nabokov and eight by Andrei Balashov, in Russian.
(1922) Grozd ("The Cluster"). Thirty-six poems in Russian, by "V. Sirin".
(1923) Gornii Put' ("The Empyrean Path"). One hundred and twenty-eight poems in Russian, by "Vl. Sirin".
(1929) Vozvrashchenie Chorba ("The Return of Chorb"). Fifteen short stories and twenty-four poems, in Russian, by "V. Sirin".
(1952) Stikhotvoreniia 1929–1951 ("Poems 1929–1951") Fifteen poems in Russian.
(1959) Poems. The contents were later incorporated within Poems and Problems.
(1969) Poems and Problems (a collection of poetry and chess problems). The contents were later incorporated within Selected Poems.
(1979) Stikhi ("Poems"). Two hundred and twenty-two poems in Russian.
(2012) Selected Poems
(1944) Nikolai Gogol
(1963) Notes on Prosody (Later appeared within Eugene Onegin.)
(1980) Lectures on Literature
(1980) Lectures on Ulysses. Facsimiles of Nabokov's notes.
(1981) Lectures on Russian Literature
(1983) Lectures on Don Quixote
Autobiographical and other [edit]
(1949) "Curtain-Raiser". The New Yorker 24/45 (1 January 1949): 18-21.
(1951) Conclusive Evidence: A Memoir - first version of Nabokov's autobiography. (British edition titled Speak, Memory: A Memoir)
(1954) Drugie Berega (Другие берега, "Other Shores") - revised version of the autobiography
(1967) Speak, Memory: An Autobiography Revisited - final revised and extended edition of Conclusive Evidence. It includes information on his work as a lepidopterist.
(1973) Strong Opinions. Interviews, reviews, letters to editors.
(1979) The Nabokov–Wilson Letters Letters between Nabokov and Edmund Wilson
(1984) Perepiska s Sestroi (Переписка с Сестрой (Correspondence with the Sister)) Correspondence between Nabokov and Helene Sikorski; also includes some letters to his brother Kirill
(1987) Carrousel. Three long-forgotten short texts that had recently been rediscovered.
(1989) Selected Letters
(2001) Dear Bunny, Dear Volodya: The Nabokov–Wilson Letters, 1940–1971. A revised and augmented edition of The Nabokov–Wilson Letters.
Elizabeth Bowen
My main aim is to read the novels and continue to dip into her short stories. This list is a fairly comprehensive one from Wikipedia.
The Hotel (1927)
The Last September (1929)
Friends and Relations (1931)
To the North (1932)
The House in Paris (1935)
The Death of the Heart (1938)
The Heat of the Day (1949)
A World of Love (1955)
The Little Girls (1964)
Eva Trout (1968)
Short story collections
Encounters (1923)
Ann Lee's and Other Stories (1926)
Joining Charles and Other Stories (1929)
The Cat Jumps and Other Stories (1934)
Look At All Those Roses (1941)
The Demon Lover and Other Stories (1945)
Ivy Gripped the Steps and Other Stories (1946, USA)
Stories by Elizabeth Bowen (1959)
A Day in the Dark and Other Stories (1965)
The Good Tiger (1965, children's book) - illustrated by M. Nebel (1965 edition) and Quentin Blake (1970 edition)
Elizabeth Bowen’s Irish Stories (1978)
The Collected Stories of Elizabeth Bowen (1980)
The Bazaar and Other Stories (2008) - edited by Allan Hepburn
Non-fiction books
Bowen's Court (1942, 1964)
Seven Winters: Memories of a Dublin Childhood (1942)
English Novelists (1942)
Anthony Trollope: A New Judgement (1946)
Why Do I Write?: An Exchange of Views between Elizabeth Bowen, Graham Greene and V.S. Pritchett (1948)
Collected Impressions (1950)
The Shelbourne (1951)
A Time in Rome (1960)
Afterthought: Pieces About Writing (1962)
Pictures and Conversations (1975) - edited by Spencer Curtis Brown
The Mulberry Tree: Writings of Elizabeth Bowen (1999) - edited by Hermione Lee
"Notes On Éire": Espionage Reports to Winston Churchill by Elizabeth Bowen, 1940-1942 (2008) - edited by Jack Lane and Brendan Clifford
People, Places, Things: Essays by Elizabeth Bowen (2008) - edited by Allan Hepburn
Love's Civil War: Elizabeth Bowen and Charles Ritchie: Letters and Diaries, 1941-1973 (2009) - edited by Victoria Glendinning and Judith Robertson
Listening In: Broadcasts, Speeches, and Interviews by Elizabeth Bowen (2010) - edited by Allan Hepburn
Elizabeth Bowen's Selected Irish Writings (2011) - edited by Éibhear Walshe
Roberto Bolaño
Works translated into English
(English title, Original Publication date, Translator, English Publication)
The Skating Rink (1993), Chris Andrews, August 2009
Nazi Literature in the Americas plus(1996), Chris Andrews, February 2008
Distant Star (1996), Chris Andrews, December 2004
The Savage Detectives(1998), Natasha Wimmer, April 2007 & Second Post
Amulet (1999) Chris Andrews, January 2007
Monsieur Pain (1999) / La senda de los elefantes (1984, written 1981-1982), Chris Andrews, January 2010
By Night in Chile (2000), Chris Andrews, December 2003
Antwerp (2002, written 1980), Natasha Wimmer, April 2010
A Little Lumpen Novelita (2002, written 2001), Natasha Wimmer, September 2014
2666 (2004, written 1999-2003) Natasha Wimmer, November 2008
The Third Reich (2010, written 1989) Natsha Wimmer, November 2011
Woes of the True Policeman (2011, written 198x-2003) Natasha Wimmer, November 2012
Diorama (not yet published or translated)
Short Stories
Last Evenings on Earth (from Putas Asesinas (2001) and Llamadas Telefónicas (1997) Chris Andrews, April 2007
The Return (More from Putas Asesinas and Llamadas Telefónicas) Chris Andrews, June 2010
The Insufferable Gaucho (2003) [5 stories plus 2 essays] Chris Andrews, August 2010
The Secret of Evil (2007) [17 stories plus 2 essays] Chris Andrews, April 2012
*Reinventar el amor (1976) 20-page booklet in México (first publication)
*Fragmentos de la Universidad Desconocida (1992) Poems (1978–1992), reprinted in La Universidad Desconocida
The Romantic Dogs (2000) Laura Healy, 2008
*El último salvaje (1995) Poems (1990-1993)
Tres Tres (2000) Laura Healy, September 2011
The Unknown University (2007) Laura Healy, July 2013 Includes selection from the previous collections, uncollected poetry and the novella Antwerp (under the title "People Walking Away")
*(not translated)
Other Books
Consejos de un discípulo de Morrison a un fanático de Joyce (1984) Untranslated Novel written in 1983 in collaboration with A. G. Porta
Between Parentheses (2004) Natasha Wimmer, May 2011 Collection of essays, articles, and speeches (1998–2003)
Roberto Bolaño: The Last Interview & Other Conversations Sybil Perez, November 2009
Bolaño por sí mismo (2011) Untranslated Collection of interviews with Bolaño (1998–2003)
The Spider's Web (Das Spinnennetz) (1923)
Hotel Savoy (1924)
The Rebellion (Die Rebellion) (1924)
April: The History of a Love (April. Die Geschichte einer Liebe) (1925)
The Blind Mirror (Der blinde Spiegel) (1925)
The Wandering Jews (Juden auf Wanderschaft) (1927)
The Flight without End (Die Flucht ohne Ende) (1927)
Zipper and His Father (Zipper und sein Vater) (1928)
Right and Left (Rechts und links) (1929)
The Silent Prophet (Der stumme Prophet) (1929)
Job (Hiob) (1930)
Radetzky March (Radetzkymarsch) (1932)
The Antichrist (Der Antichrist) (1934)
Tarabas (1934)
Die Büste des Kaisers (1934)
Confession of a Murderer (Beichte eines Mörders) (1936)
"Die hundert Tage" ("The Ballad of the Hundred Days") (1936)
Weights and Measures (Das falsche Gewicht) (1937)
The Emperor's Tomb (Die Kapuzinergruft) (1938)
The Legend of the Holy Drinker (Die Legende vom heiligen Trinker) (1939)
The String of Pearls 1939 (Die Geschichte von der 1002. Nacht)[6]
The Leviathan (Der Leviathan) (1940)
The Wandering Jews, trans. by Michael Hofmann, New York: W. W. Norton & Company (2001)
What I Saw: Reports from Berlin, 1920-1933, trans. by Michael Hofmann, New York: W. W. Norton & Company (2002)
The Collected Stories of Joseph Roth, trans. by Michael Hofmann, New York: W. W. Norton & Company (2003)
Report from a Parisian Paradise: Essays from France, 1925-1939, trans. by Michael Hofmann, New York: W. W. Norton & Company (2004)
Joseph Roth: A Life in Letters, trans. and edited by Michael Hofmann, New York: W. W. Norton & Company (2012)
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