
Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Flann O'Brien Documentary

Flann O'Brien Documentary
"a real writer, with the true comic spirit" - James Joyce

Here is a treat, a documentary on the wonderful Irish writer Flann O'Brien a.k.a. Brian O'Nolan, writer of two of the greatest Irish novels: At Swim-Two-Birds and The Third Policeman. He also produced one of the greatest satirical newspaper columns ever - An Cruiskeen Lawn.

In some ways he is the Irish Orson Welles, starting off with such great masterpieces that everything else is seen by some as a disappointment. And there is no doubt that he descended from those heights and suffered from frustration and alcoholism.

Thanks to Mick Mahon, who edited this documentary, for sharing.

FLANN from Mick Mahon on Vimeo.


  1. The Opposite Of Drink/ Hangunder is absolute genius!

    1. I think O'Brien has been responsible for more of my laughter than any other writer. I almost got sick laughing the first time I read At Swim-Two-Birds. And I often dip into The Best of Myles.

  2. Yes, the Book Handling chapter in the Best of Myles is a particular favourite. I re-read An Beal Bocht recently. It manages to be hysterically funny but very sad also.
