
Friday, 26 February 2016

Favourite Songs, Part Three

Favourite Songs, Part Three

The songs are getting longer but the idea remains the same. These are the songs I dumped into a playlist as I thought about my favourite songs. Arranged in order of each songs duration it's basically four and a half hours of eclectic sonic genius. To me it is anyway.

Monday, 22 February 2016

Favourite Songs, Part Two

Favourite Songs, Part Two

More of my personal aural comfort food. These are the songs from 3 to 4 minutes in length. There is no other organising principle.

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Favourite Songs, Part One

Favourite Songs, Part One
This is simply a selection of my favourite songs, arranged from the shortest to the longest. This first part covers the songs from nought to three minutes in length.

What song needs to be any longer?

List of songs below.

Monday, 8 February 2016


I have a number of unfinished blog posts but I don't feel like returning to any of them at the moment. Rather I am wallowing in a period of self-obsession. I find these things come in patches. Sometimes it seems like the universe, or at least the little dusty corner of it that I inhabit, is speaking directly to me. Or that I am surrounded by a reverberation of echoes. Not surprising seeing as I watch and listen from my own seashell skull, tuned to the sound of my own waves.

Monday, 1 February 2016

The Knocking Shop - Back Onstage after Twenty Years

The Knocking Shop - Back Onstage after Twenty Years

Here is some evidence that The Knocking Shop did actually return to live performance last week thanks to Ian Shirley of Record Collector Magazine. Thanks also to Emma and Tony for the images.

This is an updated version of the earlier post with much improved sound..